Revyve delivers stable emulsification, texture and shine in a variety of sauces, from low fat gravy to creamy and rich mayonnaise.
Our solution delivers superior performance than traditional E-numbers or egg white protein. And if vegan and clean label wasn’t enough of a treat, we bump up the nutritional value with complete protein and fibre as well.
Our innovative ingredients keep your creations naturally firm, hot or cold. No more worrying about shape deformation or leaking during frying—your snacks stay stable and delicious, even after cooling.
Revyve ingredients can help break dependency on animal products and E-numbers in a variety of technical functions: egg-replacement in cakes and brownies, glossy glazing on sweet goods, fat reduction in crackers or increased freshness, we will help you find your solution.

- 100% vegan
- Neutral taste
- Natural off-white colour
- Gluten-free options available
- Halal & Kosher approved
- High protein quality, PDCASS +1
revyving the textures of today, for tomorrow
Sustainable, Natural and High Performing Texturising Ingredients

- Firmness
- Bite
- Cohesion
Strong heat set gels give that meaty bite and keep products in perfect shape even when cooling down (thermo irreversible).
- Creamy
- Mouthfeel
- Phase Binding
Irresistibly creamy mouthfeel and superior emulsification. Consistent stability for high and low-fat systems, hot or cold.
- Fibrous
- Mouthfeel
- Chewiness
A fibrous meat-like texture, high in proteins and fibers, with umami flavour.
- Stretch
- Flexibility
- Stringiness
Creates superior string & stretch for irresistible cheesy experiences. Also prevents leaking during frying and after cooling.
- Cohesion
- Shape
- Moisture
Naturally firm : allows even browning and adds crunch to coated and non-coated products. Also prevents shape deformation during frying and keeps stable after cooling.
- Texture
- Juiciness
- Humectant
Improved mouthfeel through excellent retention of oil and water during cooking.

Let us take the pain out of New Product Development

- Technical workshops
- Joint product development support
- Development of innovative product concepts
- Support of scale-up trials and production processes
- Rheology support
- In-Kind Partnerships
By helping you to replace egg or additives from your product we remove also the pain out of R&D since the beginning
- Know-how and deep understanding of relevant raw materials, production process and interaction of food texture ingredients
- Troubleshooting
- Outstanding application expertise and in-dept products insights